The Wind in the Willows
A Family Musical
A Family Musical
Words by Liz Peterson and Kenneth Grahame
Music by Liz Peterson
If you want to put on a play that's full of catchy songs and loveable characters who leave everyone happy and smiling, then Liz Peterson's THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS is the show for you.
What's It About?
The show, based on the classic novel by Kenneth Grahame, tells the story of the wealthy, spoiled, and wildly enthusiastic Mr. Toad of Toad Hall. All is well when the story begins. Toad is happily lording it over the English countryside taking up one hobby after another and forcing his friends to go along with him. Then one day he falls in love with a new invention—motorcars—and that's when the trouble begins!
Who Can Perform It?
Grade schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, community theaters, children's theaters, and professional theaters have all produced the show with great success. The cast can be all males or all females, all young or all old, or a combination of both. So far there have been 28 productions in the United States and 3 in foreign countries.
Cast Size?
The concert version (45 minutes) can be done successfully with as few as 8 people. The full-length version (about 90 minutes) can accommodate 60 or more.
Is It Hard to Put On?
Yes, if you go with a large cast and elaborate costumes and settings. No, if you use the concert version and keep it simple.
In times of crisis WIND has proven to be surprisingly resilient. There was the time when Toad resigned the day before opening night, the time when the director's boyfriend broke up with her on the day of the dress rehearsal, and the time when everyone in a not-small school had to have a speaking part. In each of these instances the show came through with flying colors. Once it even survived a Toad who couldn't sing.
Who Provides the Musical Accompaniment?
You have a choice. There's a lively synthesizer accompaniment CD by Duane Nelson, complete with the honking of horns. There is also a piano/vocal score and a full orchestration suitable for a high school orchestra.
How Much Does It Cost?
Currently, whatever the Post Office charges for Liz to send you what you need.
A Note from Liz Peterson
Over the years I've seen and helped with several productions of the show, and I love watching so many people—actors and audience, young, middle-aged, and old—form an intimate relationship with a wonderful classic. I kept asking myself why this old story still has such broad appeal. Recently I've hit on an answer. Most of us have, among our friends and acquaintances, a mole, a water rat, a badger, and a toad. Water Rat is the close friend we can count on. Mole is sweet and innocent. He or she likes everything and everybody. Badger is the bossy, pedantic soul who rarely smiles and is always telling us how we should live our lives. And Toad? He or she is the wild one who is constantly stirring things up and bringing challenge and excitement into our lives. The world is full of these characters, and that's why, if actors are type-cast, they find it easy to get into their parts.

Photo by Burdette Parks
Liz Peterson’s adaptation of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS is a delight—easy to stage and perform and appropriate for every age group, adult to elementary school.
Our academy staged it as an extension of our Choral program. We had minimal sets, and the costumed characters performed in front of the choral risers, participating like a Greek chorus. The show was a wonderful success and well-received.
Chris McQueen
Choral Director
Christian Heritage Academy
Northfield, IL
My fifth graders performed The Wind in the Willows and were really enthusiastic about it.
I had fifty kids in my music classes and each of my 3 groups performed a section of the show. They couldn't practice together, so we had 3 Toads and 3 Water Rats. Not a problem. The kids learned about friendship and British culture, and enjoyed the story of a mischievous and funny Toad. The songs were upbeat and fun to sing. I highly recommend this musical because it is easy to adapt to your special needs. The kids will really like the story and their parents will love it too. I plan to do the show again next year.
Jennifer Peterson
Fine Arts Teacher
Juliette Low School
Arlington Heights, IL
A charming new take on a classic story, Peterson’s The Wind in the Willows musical will not disappoint as a clever piece for both children and adult audiences alike! Easy to mount with a varied age cast, I would go as far as to declare it “delightful” and so, so British.
Debbie Koziarz
Director and actor (Toad)
Highland Park, IL
Liz Peterson's musical "The Wind in the Willows" is a skillful adaptation of the classic children's favorite. The innocent bravado of the characters creates an engaging story that Peterson understands and preserves. The timeless dramatic tension of good versus evil and selfishness versus community is the backdrop to a watery world of suspense and adventure.
Randall Manges
School of St. Mary's
Lake Forest, IL